Monday, 17 December 2012


"THE WALKERS" inspired by the hit American TV Series "The Walking Dead"

Thursday, 13 December 2012




There once was a girl called Nebraska Jones
She likes to collect little tiny stones
Her father took her to the city
For there are many stones to see
She likes stones because it rhymes with Jones.

Monday, 10 December 2012


Recorded this when I was really bored at home. I'm not much of a singer, but I really love music.
This is Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People, one of my favorite bands.
I always wanted to be in band so bad, but I guess the "band" doesn't love me at all. I don't know what I'm gonna be in the future yet, but I want to be a musician...a LEGIT one. ;)


Hanna Grace Jarloyan
December 8, 1993
Beneath this stone was an awesome, loving girl
Really loves the sound of music
A daughter, a friend
Is now in the hands of our Almighty Father
May forever be remembered
"Dream on..."


We Are Young + We’re Not Young (Parody) and Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen

We Are Young and We’re Not Young (Parody)
The lyrics are so literal, it means you have the ability to use your creativity in order to understand it. In the parody, I learned that when you are older you can’t do things easily as you were younger. Take every opportunity whenever you have the chance because opportunity comes once, when it’s gone you’ll regret it. 

Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen
I learned that every second is really important. While you are still young, you should enjoy every moment of it. When you’re older it’s really a different than being young, being young it means you can enjoy life without worrying about your health, about the bills and other stuff older people do. You have the freedom. Because when 10 years will pass by, you’ll look at yourself and say I should’ve done that, done this, whatever. You will miss a very big part of your life if you don’t enjoy now. So, live your life to the fullest and live while you’re young! 


Lying on my bed gazing the empty ceiling

As I’m trying to figure out what I’m feeling
I just can’t get you out of my mind
I really like so much, enough said.
In every corner of my room
I can hear distracting sounds like boom, boom, and boom!
I am now oblivious with those sounds I heard
As my eyes are starting to blur
I imagined me and you together
Under one roof forever
But all I can I can do is DAYDREAM
To escape this longing feeling
Like a river, non-stop streaming
My heart will forever be screaming your name
Until I am done with this never ending game
I can’t think of anyone else but you
Heck, you are stuck on my mind like a tattoo
Please let me out of my misery
For I may let myself free
You could not be the man that I desire
But at least let your presence stay for a while
I promise you, as long as this daydream ends
All I have to do is to pretend,
That none of this matters anymore
Because without you, my whole life is a bore